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Digital Identity?...

 DAVID WENTACEM , 28 Diciembre 2019

Digital Identity...

What it is?

The network is an ecosystem that presents several elements that complete it and that allows us to have a more global vision of its essence. Digital identity is something that is related to the individual of the user who uses it. It is unique and it is built. It depends a lot on the user objectives, but it is something that requires work. But also truthfulness.

According to documento de la biblioteca universitaria de Alicanteis the set of information about a person or an organization exposed on the Internet: personal data, images, news, comments, tastes, friendships, hobbies, etc. that make up a description of said person in the digital plans".

Thus, we can affirm that digital identity is something important, something that defines us. And now I ask, what do you think of this fact if you believe that digital identity has an important role in the network?

Each person is a world, a complex element within this society, important elements that present an institution, a context and a movement. But in the network it is like a tattoo that identifies us and must be taken care of or not? How do we do it, what is the role of the netiquette? According to the article that we have written previously, it is "like netiquette or net etiquette (also reduction, network and education), it is used to refer to the set of rules of general behaviour on the Internet. Netiquette is nothing more than an adaptation from the etiquette of the real to the virtual world". So, given this definition, how should we manage our digital identity? The answer to this question will be with transparency. And in this way we can manage our experience in the web environment in a healthy and cohesive manner in accordance with all the ethical components.


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