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Time Change...?

How to get more use of your time??!!clocks

Change is an act or process through which something becomes different. So by that in life, there are so many situations where we experience that process and we can acknowledge it in a positive way or in a negative way, or sometimes we don't acknowledge it at all.
Someone said:
Be the change that you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi

So by that what does it mean to change for you? According to Mahatma Gandhi, YOU HAVE TO BE THE CHANGE because then you are the only person responsible for the incoming of your lifetime. And there is only life so why to waste it?

Change is a process that also creates, that makes and transforms the individual. It can do in a positive way or negative it depends on the perspective but if it is a positive change can inspire others also to do the same and grow as individuals in this global society.

The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the people who see things differently. The rules aren't found and sometimes our status quo our way sometimes is to disagree with them, but is that really important? Glorify or vilify?. In my opinion I think that those aren't important, but there is one thing that you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push us forward. And while some may see them as the crazy, others see them as genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. ― Rob Siltanen

group of people happy
So by that, this status quo established what is in reality? In my opinion, it is a fallacy that tricks people... in general so it is good to change in my opinion from time to time or continuously in a certain defined and structured mindset because it allows you to get more and in the end give also.


person thinking

I say daily because the only way to prove that we are applying our changes is by practicing those. And when we do that we can see that we transform ourselves and the environment that we are in. Because we are social beginners and we create and change our surroundings constantly or indirectly. Because...

The world we have created is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. ― Albert Einstein

Where do we get the inspiration to do it?

person seing the horizont

Traveling, for example, is one of those sets to get into. Because exploring the new or seeing different things, people, ways of life makes us change to have new ideas to live and get enriched.

person seing nature photo

Writing is also a way to get on track... and by doing that we can register and record our thoughts and then see from where we were to where we are now. And that is a great exercise in order to expand our mindset and to express our points of view about ourselves and the world.


changing in my opinion is a very good process and I think that if we get the right instruments we can do amazing things.

Writing a song is so personal. You have to have trust in someone you're working with; otherwise, you're not gonna come out with something that's really you.- Billie Eilis


person in a cruise ship seing the horizont photo
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. ― Rumi

person in a field  photo

So what are you waiting for?

But don't worry because I'm here to say at last how I get to change the path that I choose and the results that I obtain...


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