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Conclusions on digital attitude and identity?...

Conclusions on digital attitude and identity

We know that our relationship with the Internet is something crucial today, we use social networks for everything, and we learn various things with it. It is also a way to socialize and learn about various current affairs. We know that there are ways to integrate into the network and that they are important in order to avoid certain situations such as cyberbullying, which is a problem that must be addressed and addressed seriously. Our identity is something that is built and the fact of being in a diverse context, in this case in the digital world, that depends a lot on what we wanted to demonstrate online and what we want to appear in the same view, which is a fairly dynamic ecosystem. But I think that one of the main objectives of having a digital attitude and a digital identity is to have a code of ethics that will also help our identity and also indirectly define our attitude and behaviour in relation to the network and digital communities.

According to the post I made about the "digital attitude" I have asked if we are prepared to face so many rules?

As I said before, I think we have seen that the network is an organism that, just as we learn and self-manage, wants events generated by its users rather than the power of communication. Because if we look in more detail, we know that the network is an organism that acts according to our needs but also according to the way we think. In accordance with our values, ideas and behaviours. That is, it is generally a reflection of us.

And in this way I believe that by doing such an exercise we will have a healthier and more collaborative digital society. In order to create an innovative space where we can exploit our ideas, identity and way of integrating with others in a healthy way. And as I said in the other post regarding digital identity: "The answer to this question will be with transparency."

For me I think that the creation of this blog and the way in which I have participated in the opinions of others has given me a more comprehensive perspective on what digital identity is, its importance and the various ways in which networks can be used. social.

Thank you for the experience that has allowed me to enjoy this path that I have just started.


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